
Fighter Betta


Half Moon Fighters

'ONLY Imported' Half Moon Quality fighters are available with us in many vibrant colours. They are called Half Moon because of their Half Moon shaped Tail.

Price depends on Quality and colour patterns
Price range - Rs.400 - Rs.1200


Crown Tail Fighters

'ONLY Imported' Crown Tail Quality fighters are available with us in many vibrant colours. They are called Crown Tail fighters becuase of their webbed tails which resemble a crown.

Price depends on Quality and colour patterns
Price range - Rs.400 - Rs.1200


Giant Fighters

'ONLY Imported' Giant Bettas are available with us in many vibrant colours. They are called Giant fighters becuase of they can grow to 4" in length and have long lifespan. We are the only store in Mumbai to keep Giant Bettas at this price.

Price depends on Quality and colour patterns
Price range - Rs.300 - Rs.1200

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